Sunday, February 8, 2009

The mother/daughter mystery

There is no greater mystery than the relationship between a mother and her daughter. The inside jokes, the secretive gesticulations, and the oh so subtle glances that say far more than what's on the surface. Movies attempt to copy it, and books and music delve into to define it, but the very first story, the story of Demeter and Persephone says it far better than any modern day retelling. Orpheus's love brought Eurydice back for a moment, but Demeter's grief, the grief of a mother who has lost her child, wilts the plants and leaves the ground bare and unusable, and brings her daughter back from the Underworld far longer. This higher love sends the gods into a panic, until arrangements are made to bring her Persephone of the beautiful ankles back to her, her little flower-faced girl. However, much has changed since Persephone's abduction. Her innocence has been lost in the mean time with the eating of the forbidden fruit. Now she must split her loyalties between her mother and her new husband. This is a tale of the human condition. Where nothing is simple and not everything is beautiful, but man, what a story.

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